
Young Girl’s Concerns About Looks and Self-Image

Posted on August 2, 2009. Filed under: Balance, Beauty, Change, Changing Habits, Goals and Focus, hair, Letting Go and Letting God, Living with Passion, Self Image, Self-Improvement, Tools for daily living | Tags: , , , |


I feel like a fake “pretty girl” behind the “mask”?

Because of makeup. Yes I know makeup is supposed to enhance your features and that’s what I use it for because if you look at me, my makeup is natural. I only wear mascara, fill in my eyebrows, and a neutral brown shadow. I feel anxious if I hear someone say that I’m hot or beautiful because I feel like a phony.

You see I have like no eyebrows or eyelashes because they are VERY light and thin. So when I take the mascara off, and wash my eyebrows I look so UGLY =(. I look sick. Sometimes I feel like I just don’t want to wear any makeup so I can prevent the shock factor or worry that someone will see me without my “eyebrows” or “eyelashes”, but having “eyebrows” or “eyelashes”, thanks to mascara and eyebrow pencil, it gives me confidence.=0(.

What’s your take on this?

I was never naturally pretty until I discover makeup =”(

 Dear One! Relax!  You are exactly as you signed up to be!  I co-host a psychic radio show with two friends of mine! 6-8PM Weds.

My website is  and my blog is

You sound very young!  These are very real and deep concerns. It’s okay to be YOU!  What is your ethnicity? Your hair color? Your age?  All these play a factor!  Are you on medications?  Do other family members have the same issue?

There is nothing wrong with enhancing your looks!  Look at the animal kingdom and what GOD and mother nature does!  EVERY MALE, EVERY MALE in the animal kingdom has some way of making themselves LOOK good to attract females!  Go on line and just look at that!

This is as natural as it can get and it is NOT being wrong or bad!  You are a minimalist with the makeup!  You wear clothes don’t you?

Clothes are for protection from the elements but also to enhance your appearance!  I am not experiencing any problems from you about THAT!

Most men LOVE the real natural look!  Look how much guys like Swedish girls and so many of us have very light eyelashes and eyebrows.  Some of us look like albinos almost!   Guys aren’t into a lot of makeup and if you are being light handed and graceful about it pat yourself on the back lovingly and don’t beat yourself up!

People don’t think about your looks as much as you do!  Think about how much time you put into others and their looks! Sure you may have opinions but does it alter your WHOLE life! NO!  So don’t do to yourself what you DON’T do to others!

Relax, love who you are!  No one else just like you! You are RARE, SPECIAL and UNIQUE and yet you are made up of the exact same stuff as everyone else and are exactly just like them!  Weird, isn’t it!?

It’s like a wave in the ocean smashing herself against the pier and crying that no one likes her because she is under the pier, while the other wave boasts he is HOT because the cool surfer dudes are riding on HIM!  The other wave is conceited and brags how perfect she is because all the little kids are on their floaties on HER!  The whole thing is ridiculous because as much as they THINK they are different they are ALL waves in the SAME ocean!  Humanity is JUST like that!

Love yourself! Love your family and friends!  We are all the same!  Your uniqueness is a way for you to learn to love yourself, which helps you to love humanity!  That is the key to world peace!

Your generation came to clean up the mess the adults made of this world through fear based, and petty thinking!  Don’t be pulled off your Divine Life Purpose by these worries!  Bless the worries as lessons to learn to love yourself so you can help us clean up the crap in the world that needs to be healed! NOW!


Bless You and May You Know How Truly Important You Are!

Love and Light!


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My daughter asked my permission to die! What I said!

Posted on July 15, 2009. Filed under: 22822338, Allowing Others to Live their Lives, Balance, Change, Changing Habits, Codependancy Free, Communication, Congress, Decision Making, Education, fear management, Forgiveness, Freedom, Goals and Focus, Hado, Healing Terrorism, Improving personal relationships, Intuitive studies, Letting Go and Letting God, Living with Passion, metaphysics, Motherly Love, Palestine, Parent/Child relationship, Political Action, Powerful Purpose, relationship improvement, Self-Improvement, Spiritual Growth, spirituality, Stress Control, Strong women, Tools for daily living, Uncategorized, United Nations |

Kate SMILING on Mills College Parent's Day Fall 2008Thank You God! I Made A Choice of Peace Over Fear!
(A journaled tribute to my daughter, Kate L. Smith and her Life’s Purpose for Peace)

Kate is a powerful 18 year old woman determined to succeed. In the shadow of what appeared to be looming finance shortages to pay her tuition, Kate made the decision to do “whatever it takes” to stay on board at Mills; at least to finish out her freshman year. She took on more loans and appealed successfully for more assistance from the school.

I see her soul’s passion for her future, as a global peace maker, opening up many doors of outstanding academic opportunities for this mission to be accomplished. I feel strongly this will be the last time Kate has to scramble to meet her tuition demands. I know she will be provided all that she needs.

Kate has been passionate about her education since her first day of kindergarten. Last she told me, she is going to study more Spanish this semester, and, she has decided to study Arabic at Berkley this coming summer. A very wise decision for where she intends to go with this mission of hers.

The “Mission”-  “Mom I know you have already lost one child, that is why I am calling;  I could easily die if I do this, will you give me your blessings anyway?”

Kate called me a few weeks ago pouring her heart out to me about wanting to stop terrorism and the “holocaust” in Palestine. She asked me to give her my blessing to go there next summer.

Grateful to God for my course these past 22 years I responded and did not react. I asked Jesus to be my “wordsmith” and I asked God to support me in my love for my child.

After listening to this young woman pour her heart out, educating me about some things I did not know, my spirit soared with excitement for her deep conviction to bring peace to life, to heal a murderous mindset within the human consciousness and to see reasonable negotiations replace acts of barbaric terrorism.

Kate’s very heartbeat drums out change, which is ironic, because, she doesn’t like anyone moving her stuff or changing her space! I guess this is a part of her youth, and a need to maintain a safe sense of control in a world she knows very well is out of control.

After 45 minutes there was a silent pause; my time to respond. I have lost one child already, a surreal, and silent, death in my arms after a car accident. Now, my middle child asks if she can risk her life to save others; knowing very well chances are extremely high she, too, would die. I prayed!

“I am your mother, I am here to guide you not own you. It is not my place, spiritually, to interfere with your life path. The small girl within, and the selfish me would say, “I do not want to see another child of mine die!” I said, “Kate, I could say about ten things here, but, I won’t. All I am going to say Kate is this:

You have only one life to give! How do you choose to spend it?
You can go over there, and maybe not even get off the plane, or maybe, you would save a few lives and it wouldn’t be lost cause, there would be some level of success.

What do you want the end to look like? Saving a few, or standing before many nations making massive global changes for peace?”

“I can understand what a mother in the Civil War felt like. Her son’s going to war for opposing sides and she being left with nothing but grief, memories and graves. It is selfish for me to even say that. The greater part of me knows I must bless you with any choice you make. It is not my life to choose how it is spent. I can give you life, but I cannot divert, or take it away, by putting my “stuff” into the equation.”

If you wish to make powerful and massive affect on the planet with bringing peace to the issue of terrorism, then, you would be wise to apply the principles of Hado. Like homeopathic remedy, the smallest of vibration, and the greatest of dilutions, can be the most effective and powerful remedy when applied in its purest form.

Be like the “mouse”, go below the radar, and be courageous, and large in your power, by plucking the “thorn from the stampeding elephant’s foot”. Yes, the “jungle” will be trampled, and some are going to die, but at just the right time, in the right way, you can disarm that fury by removing the”thorn”. You can do this, but not alone.

All you need is about 8,367 people to join you Kate. You need the square root of 1% of the population of the planet to shift this energy of hate and destruction. Google the studies at Princeton University about this energy. You know I am certified to teach this; use the Hado! Call it what you need to in order to gather the 8,367!

Kate, I personally do not see you allowing anger, frustration, and a prideful vengeance to set things right leading you. You are so much more than that!

Whatever you choose make sure you answer two questions.

What is the energy that compels me to make THIS choice?

(1.) Is it force, fear and resentment, competition, right/wrong, justice and revenge?


(2.) Is it power, focus, high intent, patience, faith, trust and vision?

The first will blur your vision, and bring you loss and suffering.

You cannot win a war on terrorism, or a fight against Aids, or a march AGAINST breast cancer; each of those is an oxymoron!

Mother Teresa said,
“Young people do not ask me to march against the Vietnam War, ask me to walk for PEACE and I will be there!”

It is very easy for me to see the picture, Kate. I can easily envision you standing at the young age of 26, before the United Nations, bringing remarkable, and historical, shift to global consciousness. You cannot do this alone, but what you can envision being done with others, will manifest into your dream of peace!

It is your life to spend as you will Kate. I am very certain, whatever your choice, you will bring tears of pride to my eyes. You always do! I adore you, and treasure this precious opportunity to sit back and watch what you create. I can hardly wait Kate; I can hardly wait, to see what you create!

Remember the numbers are small, just 8,367, give or take a few, in any case, it’s not that big of a deal. Attaching to the anger and being appalled and outraged, is a huge deal because you create more of what you don’t want!

Remember what King Solomon said, “As a man thinketh, so shall he be!” and  Jesus told us , “Even the least among you, can do ALL the works I have done and even greater works!” So there is no reason not to take this on!

Jesus also said, “The little children shall lead them!” Your sister is helping you by bringing a non-violent birthing mentality to this nation. Her passion for change in prenatal and birth care in this country is giving you the people you need.

Sage, your adorable nephew, is THE generation you can affect! That precious soul who is here to do HIS part, LOOK at him Kate, he is SO DEAR, he would agree with you! Sage’s generation and those who are coming in now, and are yet to come are the ones. Meanwhile you have work to do to prepare for raising them up with a higher consciousness.

While the Middle East raises their children to hate, kill and die, we can shift that with something higher! WE can do this!

Let me know, Kate.

I am very serious! I really can see you standing before large governing bodies, like the United Nations. I can see myself sitting in the front row watching you and blotting away tears of joy, and I can FEEL my heart pounding, my ears ringing with the power of your words and powerful vibration of your presence before these nations! I feel their love for you! I see terrorists sitting at tables debating with intelligence, spirit and civility, as a result of what the people you gathered energetically created.


Kate was as silent when I spoke, as I was when she spoke.

It was a LOT for her to take in and ALL of it she already knew in her heart!

I was not speaking anything that was profound to her; I was merely reminding her of what she already understood as a soul!

As for my part that day, I was just the simple little piece of “string on her finger” reminding her of her direction. We always know what we need to know, when we need to know it. I just answered the call.

She didn’t say much, except that she “already knew that stuff”!

I have never before told her I could “see” her in front of the United Nations, but I have agreed with her childhood proclamation that she would be ‘standing before Congress by the age of 26 changing laws in this country’ and freeing teachers to teach, and students to learn, along with other powerful prophecies of her path.

Very shortly after this, Kate said she was not going to apply to intern at the Department of Foreign Affairs in Washington D.C. but, instead, she was going to study Arabic at Berkley and devote her time to local peace movements.

We must ALL be the change we wish to see in the world; and when we are challenged it is not always an easy thing to do.

I could hear in her voice that night that her mind was made up to go for the bigger picture.

I sat in my bed for an hour gloriously numb with gratitude! I was astonished to hear my own voice speaking those words when years ago I would have cried out, “WHAT? Are you NUTS? NO WAY CAN YOU THROW YOUR LIFE AWAY!”

My GOD! I am glad THAT person no longer lives in me!

I am glad I chose peace over fear! Thank You God!

Linda L.H. Smith
January 22, 2009

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Traditional Native American Healing Circle

Posted on May 14, 2009. Filed under: Changing Habits, Communication, Forgiveness, health, herbs, Improving health, Improving mental health, Improving personal relationships, injury recovery, insomnia, Intuitive studies, living green, Medical Intuition, Meditation, metaphysics, relationship improvement, Secrets to Youth and Vitality, Self-Improvement, Slowing the aging process, Spiritual Growth, spirituality, Stress Control, Tools for daily living, Workshops | Tags: |

Gary R. Bibb

Gary R. Bibb

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America’s Greatest Patriot! “Granny D”!

Posted on May 9, 2009. Filed under: Communication, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Linda and Granny D 001-1It has been a VERY long time since America has seen a patriot of THIS calibre!  Doris, at the age of 90, walked across America, from Pasadena, California to Washington DC.  It was a feat most young people would never attempt! 

Doris gave me her original road atlas, she marked it with a marker for my 5000 mile walk from Seattle-LA-PHX-Dallas-DC.  My walk was schedule to launch July 4, 2007.  Instead my father began his death process.  My plans were forever altered in those months.

Doris already did THE walk.  I sought advice of marketing agents, publicists and Doris’s co-author and organizer Dennis Burke. 

Spirit encouraged me, through the right people, and  right events, to take on an equally powerful cause in a different format. 

     The world stands on the edge of massive change.  Some say it is the end of humanity.  I say it is only the end of humanity as we understand it!  It is the beginning of something new and better!

     Instead of walking for pure water/ pure food, in places I would too often not be heard, I am now moving my way across the United States, Canada and Europe to carry a message of Hope for Humanity through “The Messages from Water”; the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto. 

     Dr. Emoto rewarded my hard work for this cause by giving me all of his data, telling me I am the only Hado Instructor in the world to have all his material!

    I was very honored to be acknowledged like this.  It is a huge responsibility! So in the essence of devoted Doris Haddock, I march on across the globe to open humanity’s heart to the truth within!

     Doris is my way shower, my beloved mentor!  She is outspoken, powerful, fearless, driven, purposeful, humorous, quit-witted, alert, aware and one of the most gifted orators for integrity in American politics ever!

If you have not met this amazing soul, I HIGHLY encourage you to go to her website and get to know her!  You will never be the same!  That’s a PROMISE!

   With Love and Gratitude, Appreciation and Admiration, I Thank God for the Gift of Granny D! I will never be the same!  I wish this, with all my heart, for you also! 

     Buy her book!  Give it to friends and family!  They will be very grateful you did!


            “Granny D: You’re Never Too Old to Raise a Little Hell”

Doris’ book is required reading for incoming freshmen at a number of colleges and universities. Here’s what people say about Doris and her book:

Doris Haddock is a true patriot, and our nation has been blessed by her remarkable life. Her story will entertain, inform, and inspire people of all ages for generations to come.” – Jimmy Carter


“Doris, your book is one of a half dozen –including Silent Spring and Walden– which have turned my life around.” – Pete Seeger


“The soul of a citizen shines through these pages.” – Bill Moyers


“A stunning portrait of the American soul.” – Library Journal


“Huck is present in this book, as are Thoreau and Whitman, and Jack Kerouac, too.” – Keene Sentinel


Library Journal:”Granny D” Haddock is a national treasure whose l4-month odyssey walking from Los Angeles to Washington, DC, galvanized the hope of many increasingly dispirited Americans for campaign finance reform. Granny D undertook this journey despite arthritis and emphysema, celebrating her 90th birthday along the way. Following her daily regimen of ten miles, Haddock wrote nightly for two hours. The resulting journal, written with Burke, who accompanied her on the trek, is a multilayered memoir, populist reform treatise, roadside nature field book, Whitmanesque treatment of America, and philosophical summation of a life well spent. It is chock–full of portraits of the countless citizens who welcomed, joined, cared for, and walked with Haddock. Her graceful descriptions of the manifold kindness routinely shown her are collectively a stunning portrait of the American soul. Fortunately, numerous speeches she gave along the way are included as an appendix. Like the rest of the book, they are imbued with the beautifully passionate intelligence and caring spirit of this remarkable individual. To her wonderfully long life as a New Hampshire wife, mother, grandmother, great–grandmother, and social activist, Haddock should now also be able to add “best-selling author.” Shame on any library that does not order this book. [Preview in Prepub Alert, LJ 12.00.]

– Barry X. Miller, Austin P.

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Angel Therapy Practitioner

Posted on November 28, 2008. Filed under: Change, Changing Habits, Codependancy Free, Communication, Decision Making, Education, fear management, Forgiveness, Freedom, Goals and Focus, Hado, health, Improving health, Improving mental health, Improving personal relationships, injury recovery, insomnia, Intuitive studies, Letting Go and Letting God, Living with Passion, Medical Intuition, Meditation, metaphysics, Motherly Love, Powerful Purpose, relationship improvement, Self-Improvement, Spiritual Growth, spirituality, Stress Control, Tools for daily living, Uncategorized |

Angel Therapy! A unique way to Improve Your Life!Have you ever wondered about “your angels”?  Ever wondered what your angels would like to tell you?  Angels are a beautiful fact of life, regardless of your religious beliefs or the lack thereof, they are STILL there for you! 

Many people believe in angels!  The vast majority of people will say they believe angels are real, however, most of those people will also admit they do not communicate with or feel they have a relationship with angels.

Would you like to know the angels who are with you?  Would you like to know what they have to tell you?  Is there a part of your life you wish you could have answers about?  Are you looking for a new job, to improve your relationships, help with finances, health questions, wonder what the future hold for you, or how to approach getting through this day? 

For more information about what this is and how I became involved in this, and what it is, visit my website at  “Angel Therapy Practitioner” page.  For more about Dr. Doreen Virtue and this field of spiritual practice go to her website at

Send me your questions and I will be happy to do an Angel Oracle Card reading for you.  Send me your name, age, gender and the question.  This will help me to tune in for you.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Love, Light and Blessings!

Linda Smith- Licensed Angel Therapy Practitioner

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